FEECO Introduces Seal Brochure

This article was authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

FEECO Leaf Seal

Rotary dryers, rotary coolers, rotary agglomerators, and rotary kilns are a key component in many manufacturing processes, and making sure they run safely, and efficiently is crucial in any process. As a leader in the manufacturing of custom rotary dryers, rotary coolers, and rotary kilns, …

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Pros and Cons of Non-Pressure Agglomeration Pellets and Extruded Pellets

This article was co-authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Chris Kozicki
Agglomeration Expert

Pellets, or granules, come in a variety of different sizes, strengths, and shapes. Two types of granules that are often compared are round granules (or “pellets”) and extruded pellets. Despite frequent comparison, these agglomerate types are significantly different, each offering distinct advantages and disadvantages. The …

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Desalination Sludge Results in Useful Material

This article was authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Two innovative companies are working together, as Feeco International works with a company in Australia to solve a Soda Ash material problem. This company has developed processes that reuse the once unusable sludge resulting from desalination. Desalination is the process by which salt is removed …

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