Part Spotlight: Thrust Rollers

This article was authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Thrust Roller

Thrust rollers, also sometimes referred to as thrust idlers, are a crucial part of a rotary drum’s base, preventing the drum from drifting longitudinally on its axis.    What thrust rollers are available?  FEECO can supply thrust rollers in sizes ranging from 7-¾” – 48” …

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Part Spotlight: Rotary Drum Tires

This article was authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Rotary Drum Tire

Rotary drum tires, also known as riding rings, are a structural component of the rotary drum, facilitating smooth and concentric rotation and providing support to the drum shell.  What drum tires are available?  FEECO supplies tires in 1045, 4140, and 4340 stainless steel. Sizes are …

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