What are the Benefits of Material Pre-Conditioning?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Benefits of Preconditioning

Adding a pre-conditioning step to a process offers many benefits. Pre-conditioning prepares a material for agglomeration, and helps to streamline subsequent processing steps. Advantages include: Various pieces of equipment can be used to pre-condition material for agglomeration. Most commonly, pre-conditioning equipment includes rotary dryers, pin …

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Time to Replace Agglomeration Equipment? Consider These Points First

This article was co-authored by:

Chris Kozicki
Agglomeration Expert

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Agglomeration Equipment Replacement

Agglomeration equipment such as pin mixers and disc pelletizers are essential components in industrial processing operations everywhere, converting powders to granules, conditioning dusty materials, and improving production processes. Though not requiring replacement often, acquiring agglomeration equipment that performs as well or better than the existing …

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Pugmill Mixer FAQs

This article was co-authored by:

Chris Kozicki
Agglomeration Expert

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Pugmill Mixer FAQs

The pugmill mixer, also known as a pug mill or paddle mixer, is a type of horizontal industrial mixer used for processing bulk solid materials in conditioning, de-dusting, and granulation applications. This type of mixer is widely employed throughout various industries as a means of …

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Pelletizing Offers Premium Alternative for Potash and Ammonium Sulfate Fertilizer Granulation

This article was co-authored by:

Chris Kozicki
Agglomeration Expert

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Pelletizing an Alternative for Ammonium Sulfate and Potash Fertilizer Granulation

Potassium and ammonium salts are essential in supplementing crop nutritional requirements.  While the granulation of these materials has traditionally been carried out via roll compaction, the demand for a more round and less angular product is causing some fertilizer producers to introduce an additional production …

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What is a Pneumatic Hammer Knocking System?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

What is a Pneumatic Hammer Knocking System?

A pneumatic hammer knocking system is designed to control material build-up inside of a rotary drum. The hammer is mounted above a strike plate on the drum, and delivers an adjustable amount of force as set by the operator. This force “knocks” the drum and …

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Considerations in Disc Pelletizer (Pan Granulator) Sizing & Design

This article was co-authored by:

Chris Kozicki
Agglomeration Expert

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Disc Pelletizer (Pan Granulator) Sizing and Design

Disc pelletizers, also commonly called pan granulators, are a type of agitation (tumble-growth/non-pressure/wet granulation) agglomeration equipment used throughout various industries to pelletize fines into rounded granules.  These diverse pelletizing discs are often selected for the refined granular product they produce, their low recycle rate, and …

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