Part Spotlight: Breeching Assembly

This article was authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Rotary Drum Breeching

Rotary drum breechings house the inlet and outlet ends of the rotary drum and provide a place for feed and discharge to occur.  What breechings are available?  FEECO offers both inlet and outlet breechings for rotary drums of all types and in various materials of …

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Fly Ash Agglomeration

This article was authored by:

Chris Kozicki
Agglomeration Expert

Pelletized (Pelletised) Fly Ash

Fly ash is a fine, powder-like material generated from coal-burning power plants. And despite an increase toward more sustainable energy production, coal-burning power plants are still prevalent, producing fly ash that could serve as a valuable commodity. Thus now is an important time as any …

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