Why Test Phosphates for Granulation?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

While both fertilizers and animal feeds are well-established industries, the FEECO Innovation Center often tests phosphates for customers looking to develop new and/or better products with different feed materials, or to help correct their current processing issues.

Processing phosphates is no easy task. Samples vary considerably from one deposit to the best, and even within the same deposit. Phosphates are also abrasive, and corrosive when acids are added as part of the process. Thus, experienced hands are key to successful testing, and such test work is also ideal prior to a full-scale investment in equipment.

FEECO’s team of Process Experts have worked with phosphates for decades. We’ve helped companies around the world develop premium phosphate fertilizer blends, and we look forward to helping you, too.

If you’re interested in testing your sample at FEECO, contact us today!


About the Author . . .

Jenny Seim is a technical writer and service specialist.

More About Jenny