What tests are performed in FEECO’s Lab?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

FEECO’s lab technicians perform a variety of tests prior to processing a material, during processing, and after agglomerates are produced in the lab. The list below highlights some of the most common tests performed at FEECO:

  • Attrition– determines the amount of product that will break down into fines.
  • Crush strength– determines the strength of the pellet, or how much pressure it takes to crush the pellet completely.
  • Green/wet crush strength– these tests have the same goal as crush strength, but are performed on a wet pellet prior to drying.
  • Compression– looks at how the agglomerated material behaves under stress as a whole, instead of just as a single pellet.
  • Bulk density– measures the density of the agglomerates, an important factor in sizing equipment according to material and processing needs.
  • Physical characteristics– microscope use reveals a material’s physical characteristics unbeknownst to the naked eye, such as surface quality and shape.
  • Solubility– indicates how/if a material will dissolve in water.
  • Sieve analysis– measures particle size distribution, or what percentage of on-size pellets are produced from the agglomeration process.
  • Flowability– reveals how agglomerates move as a unit, an important factor in the design of material handling equipment.
  • Moisture content– measures the amount of free moisture in agglomerates.
  • Temperature– records temperature to ensure material is within the desired temperature range. Temperature is particularly valuable in thermal testing applications.

Lab tests vary per discretion of the lab technician and additional/miscellaneous tests may be performed, depending on each unique material sample, processing requirements, and desired end-product.

For more in-depth information, see our blog post In the Lab: A Detailed Look at FEECO’s Testing Capabilities.

About the Author . . .

Jenny Seim is a technical writer and service specialist.

More About Jenny