This week’s photo highlights washboarding on a rotary drum tire.
Washboarding is indicated by the vertical grooves that extend the length of the tire, and it is caused by abnormal skewing of the trunnion wheels, or trunnion wheel mis-alignment.
FEECO offers a tire grinding service to correct issues like washboarding. The process works by grinding down the surface of the tire to a smooth and level, like-new condition, with the goal of getting the tire back to square. The trunnion wheels should also be skewed to get them back to square with the tire. The overall goal is to achieve even contact between the tire and trunnion wheel.
FEECO’s technicians can travel directly to your facility to perform the grinding, and trunnion wheel skewing. They also work with both FEECO and non-FEECO equipment.
Rotary drum tires bear the weight of the rotary drum, and they must be maintained to ensure efficient operation.  To learn more about the telltale signs of tire wear, or for additional information on tire grinding, contact FEECO’s Customer Service Engineers today!