Question of the Week: What is Rotary Kiln Refractory?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Rotary Kiln Refractory Inspection

Refractory is specific to direct-fired rotary kilns, insulating and protecting the shell of the drum from high internal temperatures; they also function to maintain heat retention. Many types of refractory exist, with the most common options being brick or castable. Brick is typically used for …

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What are the Signs it’s Time for Tire Grinding?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Signs that it is Time for Tire (Tyre) Grinding

Rotary drum tires and trunnion wheels can become worn over time, and result in the following changes: The characteristics mentioned above can cause the weight of the drum to be unevenly distributed, which in turn, can affect other drum components. Premature equipment failure can then …

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How does a Rotary Kiln Dam Work?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

How Do Rotary Kiln Dams Work?, 3D Illustration of a Rotary Kiln Dam for Increasing Retention Time

Dams are used to increase the retention time or bed depth in a rotary kiln. Material builds up behind the dam, forcing retention time and bed depth to increase. Material then spills over the dam and discharges from the rotary kiln. Since most rotary kilns …

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What Causes Rotary Dryer Misalignment?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

What Causes Rotary Dryer (Drier) Misalignment, Image of Worn Rotary Dryer Tire (Tyre)

Rotary dryer misalignment is oftentimes the result of improper base installation. Misalignment in the base will quickly spread through the rest of the drum, causing wear and damage to other drum components. In addition, misalignment can occur naturally over time as part of normal rotary …

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What is Attrition?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

What is Attrition

Attrition transpires when agglomerates break down into fines- an undesirable occurrence that results in excess dust and waste product. It is commonly seen with granules produced via compaction granulation, and is caused by the rough, jagged edges rubbing against one another and wearing down the …

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Why are Flights Used in a Rotary Dryer?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Rotary Dryer (Drier) Flights

Flights, also known as “fins” or “material lifters,” are commonly used in both rotary dryers and coolers to maximize heat transfer between the material and the drying or cooling air. Affixed to the interior of the drum, they pick up the material as the drum …

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