Photo of the Week: Tail End of a Belt Conveyor

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Conveyor Tail End

This week’s photo shows the tail end of a belt conveyor. The conveyor is currently under construction at FEECO’s Fabrication Facility located in Green Bay, WI (USA). FEECO’s belt conveyors are available in configurations of 18” to 72” wide, and work with capacities of up …

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Bucket Elevator Design: Centrifugal Vs. Continuous

This article was authored by:

Dan Baxter
Material Handling Sales Engineer

Bucket Elevator Intermediate Sections

When selecting a bucket elevator, the goal is to allow for the most efficient process flow possible. Two elevator designs are available: centrifugal and continuous. Both styles are designed to move material vertically, with each offering distinct advantages. Centrifugal Bucket Elevators The centrifugal style elevator …

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Photo of the Week: Lignite Coal Conveyors

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Lignite Coal Conveyors

This week’s photo highlights a bulk material handling system FEECO supplied to a US-based customer. The system was used to transport lignite coal, and included the following conveyors: • 36” x 700’ (.9 x 213 m) conveyor with 180’ (55 m) lift (300 TPH) • …

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Photo of the Week: Traveling Belt Tripper

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Traveling Belt Tripper

This week’s photo is a traveling belt tripper under fabrication. Traveling trippers are used to dislodge material off of the conveyor at designated locations between the terminal pulleys, traveling continuously at a constant speed for layered stacking. FEECO’s trippers are customized to accommodate your desired …

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Photo of the Week: Frac Sand Bucket Elevator

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Frac Sand Bucket Elevator

Our photo this week is a frac sand bucket elevator. FEECO designed and constructed several centrifugal-style bucket elevators for a frac sand processing plant located in Wisconsin. The various bucket elevator capacities were 10 TPH, 250 TPH, and 500 TPH, with the discharge heights of …

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Photo of the Week: Steep Incline Conveyor in 3D

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Photo of the Week: Steep Incline Conveyor

This week’s photo shows a steep incline conveyor in 3D. FEECO’s steep incline conveyors are designed to move materials vertically, at angles ranging from 18-90 degrees, while still maintaining discharge and feed qualities of a standard belt conveyor. The advantages of FEECO’s design include: Less …

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Photo of the Week: Newly Installed Bucket Elevator

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Newly Installed Bucket Elevator

This week’s photo shows a newly installed bucket elevator. While FEECO has made its name in the agglomeration, thermal processing, and fertilizer granulation industries, little be known to some is that we, too, can provide the bulk material handling equipment needed to transport materials throughout …

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Photo of the Week: Belt Feeder Under Construction

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Belt Feeder Under Construction

This week’s photo is a belt feeder in FEECO’s Fabrication Facility. Our assembly team is currently constructing the piece for a repeat customer. Belt feeders are comprised of a conveyor belt on rollers. They provide a controlled discharge rate of material from the bin or hopper into …

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