Elevator Bucket Style Selection

This article was authored by:

Dan Baxter
Material Handling Sales Engineer

Elevator Bucket Style Selection: 3D Model of a FEECO Bucket Elevator

Whether purchasing a new bucket elevator or re-configuring an existing one, proper elevator bucket style selection is a key aspect of achieving an effective and efficient handling system. With a range of elevator bucket styles available, selecting the most appropriate fit can seem daunting, but …

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Photo of the Week: 3D Bucket Elevator

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

3D Bucket Elevator

Today’s photo highlights a 3D bucket elevator. FEECO offers both continuous and centrifugal bucket elevators, all designed and manufactured to meet the needs of the unique material to be transported. Continuous bucket elevators are predominantly used when gentle material transportation is required, such as with fragile …

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Bucket Elevator Design: Centrifugal Vs. Continuous

This article was authored by:

Dan Baxter
Material Handling Sales Engineer

Bucket Elevator Intermediate Sections

When selecting a bucket elevator, the goal is to allow for the most efficient process flow possible. Two elevator designs are available: centrifugal and continuous. Both styles are designed to move material vertically, with each offering distinct advantages. Centrifugal Bucket Elevators The centrifugal style elevator …

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Photo of the Week: Frac Sand Bucket Elevator

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Frac Sand Bucket Elevator

Our photo this week is a frac sand bucket elevator. FEECO designed and constructed several centrifugal-style bucket elevators for a frac sand processing plant located in Wisconsin. The various bucket elevator capacities were 10 TPH, 250 TPH, and 500 TPH, with the discharge heights of …

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Photo of the Week: Newly Installed Bucket Elevator

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Newly Installed Bucket Elevator

This week’s photo shows a newly installed bucket elevator. While FEECO has made its name in the agglomeration, thermal processing, and fertilizer granulation industries, little be known to some is that we, too, can provide the bulk material handling equipment needed to transport materials throughout …

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Photo of the Week: Bucket Elevators

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Bucket Elevators

This week’s photo shows bucket elevators ready for shipment at the FEECO headquarters. Bucket elevators are an integral component in many bulk material handling systems, with their capability to transport materials vertically. The buckets are attached to a chain or rotating belt and work by: …

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