This week’s photo highlights a hooded disc pelletizer (also known as a pan granulator) in the FEECO Innovation Center.
Hoods are occasionally used during disc pelletizer operation to protect the operator from hazardous materials. Maintaining a safe work environment is a top priority for any industrial operation, and the hood helps to capture harmful fumes generated during the pelletization process. In addition to protecting the operator, hoods are also used to prevent product loss due to dust.
The hooded disc pelletizer in the FEECO Innovation Center also features windows and doors; glass windows provide ample visibility, while the doors give the operator easy access to adjust the spray and feed locations.
Whether you need a custom disc pelletizer, or you’re looking for agglomeration feasibility tests for your unique application, FEECO can help. If you’re interested in learning more about our customized testing capabilities or disc pelletizers, contact us today!