What Characteristics Play a Role in Rotary Dryer Sizing and Design?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Rotary dryer sizing and design is based around a material’s unique processing needs, or at least they should be. A custom rotary dryer will produce the most ideal results. The following material characteristics should be considered in sizing and designing a dryer:

    • Moisture content, including inlet and outlet moisture.
    • Bulk density of the material is needed to determine the sizing of bearings, trunnion wheels, and more; it is an overall indicator on the operational load the dryer must accommodate.
    • Specific heat of the material helps to determine how much energy is needed to cause the desired temperature change for the material.
    • Heat transfer properties help determine how hard the dryer must work to remove the specific amount of moisture.
    • Material limitations play a role in rotary dryer design. Some materials may require a sterile processing environment, whereas others may be too fragile to endure the dropping action of flights.

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About the Author . . .

Jenny Seim is a technical writer and service specialist.

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