Co-Current Vs. Counter Current Drying

This article was authored by:

Shane Le Capitaine
Thermal Processing Expert

Co-Current Vs Counter Current Rotary Drum Dryers (Driers)

Many factors are taken into consideration when designing a rotary drum dryer that can both efficiently and effectively dry a material. Factors such as the material’s bulk density, heat sensitivity, particle size, and flowability, among others, all interact to influence how the material will behave …

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Fluid Bed Drying Terms & Definitions

This article was co-authored by:

Walter Hawkins
Process Sales Engineer

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Fluid Bed Dryer in Motion

Fluid bed dryers offer an efficient and effective means of drying bulk solids for a variety of industries. For facilities considering the use of this industrial dryer, understanding the basic principles behind fluid beds is essential. The following provides a comprehensive overview on the key …

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How does a Rotary Kiln Dam Work?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

How Do Rotary Kiln Dams Work?, 3D Illustration of a Rotary Kiln Dam for Increasing Retention Time

Dams are used to increase the retention time or bed depth in a rotary kiln. Material builds up behind the dam, forcing retention time and bed depth to increase. Material then spills over the dam and discharges from the rotary kiln. Since most rotary kilns …

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Intro to Fluid Bed Dryers

This article was co-authored by:

Walter Hawkins
Process Sales Engineer

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Fluid Bed Dryer

Efficiently and effectively drying bulk solids is an essential aspect of modern industrial processing, no matter the industry. Among the various technologies available, fluid bed dryers have proven to be both diverse and reliable, as well as capable of processing a wide variety of materials.  …

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Rotary Kiln Testing in the Innovation Center

This article was co-authored by:

Alex Ebben
Process and Sales Engineer

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Rotary Kiln Feasibility Testing

The rotary kiln testing carried out in the FEECO Innovation Center is often critical to gathering process data and developing the groundwork for a safe, efficient, and effective thermal processing operation. This testing gives producers the opportunity to predict how their material will behave in …

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