What does an Annual Rotary Drum Inspection Cover?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

What Does a FEECO Annual Rotary Drum Inspection Cover?

FEECO recommends an annual rotary drum inspection to help maintain efficiency, prolong equipment life, and prevent unnecessary downtime. Our Customer Service Engineers can visit your site directly, and thoroughly examine the following drum components: After the inspection, our Customer Service Engineer will generate a detailed …

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What do Indirect Kilns Offer Over Direct-Fired Kilns?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

What do Indirect Kilns (Calciners) Offer Over their Direct-fired Counterparts?

Indirect rotary kilns, or rotary calciners, offer three major advantages over their direct-fired counterparts, as outlined below. When processing in a direct-fired rotary kiln, fine materials can become entrained in the gas and carried out to the baghouse. An indirect kiln avoids this issue because …

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What is Organic Combustion?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

What is Organic Combustion?

Organic combustion is the thermal treatment of organic wastes with the intent of reducing mass and volume. This process is frequently seen in waste treatment plants in order to reduce the volume of organic wastes for deposit into landfill. Organic combustion leaves behind an ash …

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Why Condition Bulk Solids?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

What are the Reasons to Condition Bulk Solids

Conditioning is an important part in bulk solids processing, allowing producers to alter the material to fit their unique needs. While there are many reasons to condition a material, three central objectives are highlighted below. To improve the efficiency of the process. Conditioning a material …

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What are the Benefits of Pelletizing Limestone?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

What are the Benefits of Pelletizing (Pelletising) Limestone?

Limestone is a sedimentary rock used in the agricultural industry as a soil amendment for raising soil pH. Traditional products such as powdered and agricultural lime have been used throughout the industry, both not without challenges. Pelletizing lime has become an effective alternative. It is …

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What is a Pneumatic Hammer Knocking System?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

What is a Pneumatic Hammer Knocking System?

A pneumatic hammer knocking system is designed to control material build-up inside of a rotary drum. The hammer is mounted above a strike plate on the drum, and delivers an adjustable amount of force as set by the operator. This force “knocks” the drum and …

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What is Reduction Roasting?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

What is Reduction Roasting?

Reduction roasting is the removal of oxygen from a component of an ore, usually through the use of Carbon Monoxide (CO). The CO is typically supplied by mixing a carbonaceous material such as coke or coal with the ore, or by feeding it separately. An …

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Question of the Week: What is Pelletizing?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

What is Pelletizing (Pelletising)?

Pelletizing is a non-pressure (tumble growth) agglomeration method whereby material fines are processed into pellets. It is used throughout a number of industries to transform difficult to handle powders and fines into a more easily handled, and valuable product. Pelletization involves the tumbling of material …

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