What is Conditioning?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

What is Conditioning

Conditioning refers to the processing of bulk solids material for improved efficiency of downstream processing, improved material handling, or to improve product performance. Conditioning can be accomplished using numerous processes and equipment, all varying on the unique characteristics of the material to be processed and …

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What are the Benefits of Cooling Potash?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Benefits of Cooling Potash

Though not always needed, a cooling step in potash processing is often utilized after the drying stage. Cooling the material offers many benefits to the end-product, as well as to the processing operation, such as: Increased efficiency: adding a potash cooler means the agglomerated product …

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What Materials are Commonly Micro-Pelletized?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

What Materials are Commonly Processed Using MicroPelletizing (Micropelletising)

Micro-pelletizing is the process of agglomerating material fines into small pellets, or micro-pellets, from 20-60 mesh. It is can be carried out in either pin mixer, or a pin mixer/pan pelletizer setup. Pin mixers alone are ideal when only small pellets or material conditioning is …

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What are Rotary Dryer Knocking Systems?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Knocking Systems

Knocking systems are physical enhancements placed on the exterior of a rotary dryer to counteract sticking inside of the drum. They are most commonly fitted on the inlet end of the dryer where material entering in is the most wet and tacky. Build-up can occasionally …

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What is Non-Pressure Agglomeration?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

What is Non-pressure Agglomeration (also known as agitation agglomeration or tumble-growth agglomeration)?

Non-pressure agglomeration, also known as tumble growth agglomeration, is a process which uses a tumbling motion and binding agent to grow material fines or powders into a spherical pellet form. Non-pressure agglomeration methods include: Pelletizing (rotary drum or disc pelletizer): a process where material fines …

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