Bucket Elevator Maintenance Checklist

This article was authored by:

Craig Peppin
Service & Lab Manager

Bucket Elevator Maintenance Checklist

Regardless of the material being handled or the configuration type being used, regular maintenance is absolutely essential to bucket elevators. In addition to preventing costly breakdowns, consistent bucket elevator maintenance provides a multitude of benefits such as improved safety and an increase in the life …

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Minimizing Spillage With Troughed Belt Conveyors

This article was co-authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Dan Baxter
Material Handling Sales Engineer

Minimizing Spillage with Troughed Belt Conveyors

A well-designed troughed belt conveyor generally exhibits minimal material spillage. Unfortunately, spillage is an all-too-common problem for many plant managers dealing with troughed belt conveyors that weren’t adequately designed for their application.  Fortunately, there are several ways to address troughed belt conveyor spillage. The following …

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Incline Conveyors Vs. Steep Incline Conveyors: What’s the Difference?

This article was co-authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Dan Baxter
Material Handling Sales Engineer

Incline Conveyor Vs Steep Incline Conveyor

The objective shared by incline conveyors and steep incline conveyors – to convey bulk solids on an incline – often presents confusion in determining which type of conveyor is best for a given application.  While both offer an effective handling solution, these two conveyor types …

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Conveyor Drive Assembly Selection

This article was co-authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Dan Baxter
Material Handling Sales Engineer

Conveyor Drive Assemblies

As the driving power behind a troughed belt conveyor, the drive assembly is a critical component in a conveyor’s ability to perform reliably and efficiently in the long term. Also known as the drive arrangement, the drive assembly is what supplies the torque to create …

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This Week’s Featured Articles: Aspects of Successful Bulk Solids Processing, Pelletizing Potash and AS Fertilizers, and Considerations in Bucket Elevator Replacement

This article was authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Bucket Elevator

Each week on our home page, we feature three articles that are highly relevant under the current market circumstances. This week, we’re highlighting: Six Aspects of Successful Bulk Solids Processing Six Aspects of Successful Bulk Solids Processing looks at the key requirements needed for a …

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