What are the Benefits of Granulating Biosolids?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Benefits of Granulating Biosolids

The reuse of municipal biosolids as a fertilizer product or soil amendment offers multiple benefits, from both an economic and environmental perspective. Recycling biosolids creates revenue where waste management costs once incurred. Furthermore, biosolids are rich in macro and micronutrients, a valuable commodity to soils …

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The Future of Farming: An Integrated Approach to Manure Management

This article was co-authored by:

Nick Reckinger
Organic Fertilizer Expert

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Integrated Approach to Manure Management

As large farms become the future of agriculture, the need for sustainable solutions in managing manure is becoming an ever-increasing focus. However, while large farms are learning to deal with the amount of manure they produce, significant opportunity lies in processing manure to produce products …

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What is Manure Nutrient Recovery by Granulation?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Manure Nutrient Recovery by Granulation

Manure presents a challenge for large-scale farms. Growing herd sizes, in combination with high land costs, have increased the amount of manure farmers manage, while reducing land available for manure disposal. Furthermore, research indicates that manure application can result in nutrient runoff, which in turn, …

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Photo of the Week: Raw and Granulated Cattle Manure

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Raw vs. Granulated Cattle Manure

This week’s photo shows a cattle manure sample in its raw state (left) and granulated form (right). FEECO’s Process Experts transformed the manure into fortified, dry fertilizer granules. There are several on-farm practices that affect the makeup of manure: animal species, feed, manure handling practices, …

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Photo of the Week: Raw Manure Lab Test

This article was co-authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Nick Reckinger
Organic Fertilizer Expert

A raw manure sample in the FEECO Innovation Center

This week’s photo comes directly from FEECO’s state-of-the-art lab. A technician is examining a manure sample while a conveyor transports it throughout the testing process. The equipment in FEECO’s lab can be configured to convert raw organic samples, be it cattle manure, poultry litter, hog …

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