Photo of the Week: Rotary Tire Wear Patterns

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Rotary Drum Tire (Tyre) Wear Patterns, Drum Tires in Need of Tire Grinding

This week’s post highlights a series of images: rotary tire wear patterns. A rotary drum tire is a support structure for the drum, and provides a place for pressure to be absorbed. As with any piece of equipment, they must be inspected and serviced, if …

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Photo of the Week: Coal Fines to Coal Pellets

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Raw and Pelletized (Pelletised) Coal

This week’s photo shows coal fines (left) and coal pellets (right). The sample was agglomerated in FEECO’s state-of-the-art Innovation Center. The Innovation Center allows customers to test their material at batch and pilot scale, in order to establish the equipment setup and parameters necessary to …

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Photo of the Week: Compactor with Heat Lamps

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Compactor with Heat Lamps

This week’s photo is a compactor from the FEECO Innovation Center. Here, a heat lamp is set directly on the compactor’s feed chute, so the metal of the cold chute would not take away the heat from the pre-heated feed material. FEECO’s process experts are …

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Photo of the Week: Agglomeration Test in Procress

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Agglomeration (Pelletizing/Pelletising) Test in Process

This week’s photo highlights an agglomeration test in process at the FEECO Innovation Center. Pellets on a disc pelletizer are pictured. The FEECO Innovation Center is equipped for both pressure and non-pressure agglomeration tests on either a single piece of equipment, or in a continuous …

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Photo of the Week: Gypsum Sample

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Agglomerated Gypsum Sample

This week’s photo highlights a gypsum sample. Gypsum, both natural and synthetic, is commonly pelletized for use as a soil amendment. Pelletizing the material creates a strong product capable of withstanding transportation and handling, while still breaking down in standard field conditions. Pelletizing is achieved …

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How can Agglomeration Benefit the Environment?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

How Can Agglomeration Benefit the Environment

Agglomeration provides various, multi-dimensional benefits to the raw material, the process, end product and so much more. The environment, more specifically, is one area to reap the benefits. Agglomeration can: A prime example of these benefits is witnessed through our work with Encap LLC. We’ve …

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