Photo of the Week: 24” Pin Mixer

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

24" Pin Mixer

Pin mixers are used for various agglomeration processes including material conditioning, mixing, de-dusting, agglomerating, and micro-pelletizing. They can be used as a stand-alone agglomeration unit, or in combination with a disc pelletizer or agglomeration drum, to produce a pelletized product. Pin mixers use a rotor …

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Tailings Retreatment: The Next Big Revenue Source for the Mining Industry

This article was co-authored by:

Alex Ebben
Process and Sales Engineer

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Tailings Retreatment

Tailings, or the material remaining after a valuable component has been separated from the gangue, have long plagued the mining industry with management costs, liability risks, and disposal challenges. Due to their toxicity, tailings pose a number of risks if not properly managed. Furthermore, the …

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Photo of the Week: Fly Ash Pellets

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Fly Ash Pellets, Pelletized (Pelletised) Fly Ash

This week’s photo highlights fly ash pellets. FEECO’s familiarity with fly ash agglomeration dates back to 1951. For decades, we’ve manufactured custom processing equipment, be it for de-dusting applications, conditioning for landfill, or pelletizing the material for use in cement or soil amendment applications. FEECO offers …

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Biochar in Drought Resistance

This article was co-authored by:

Alex Ebben
Process and Sales Engineer

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Biochar in Drought Resistance

Drought is becoming a rising concern across the world as water scarcity, changing climate patterns, and the need to feed a growing population continue to dominate the landscape of pressing global issues. As such, the need for soils to be capable of withstanding drought conditions …

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SX-EW Moves into New Metal Markets

This article was co-authored by:

Shane Le Capitaine
Thermal Processing Expert

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

SX-EW Moves into New Metal Markets, Agglomeration Drum (Agglomerator) Used in the Heap Leaching Process

The solvent extraction electro-winning process (SX-EW) is a hydrometallurgical means of extracting, purifying, and concentrating metals. SX-EW has continued to demonstrate successful use in effectively extracting and recovering copper from low grade and oxide ores. As a result, SX-EW has quickly become a staple in …

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Photo of the Week: Material Processed in a Pug Mill

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Material Processed in a Pugmill Mixer (Pug Mill, Paddle Mixer)

This week’s photo highlights material processed in a pugmill mixer. Pug mills, also known as paddle mixers, are industrial mixers used to condition, mix and agglomerate materials often in the presence of a binder. The pugmill mixer’s dual shafts with pitched paddles create a kneading …

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Photo of the Week: Binder Spray System

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Disc Pelletizer (Pelletiser) Binder Spray System

This week’s photo highlights a pan pelletizer’s binder spray system. The spray system, or nozzles, are used to disperse binder. Non-pressure agglomeration technologies, such as pelletizing on a pan pelletizer (also known as a pan granulator or disc pelletizer), often requires the assistance of a …

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