New Content Alert: Rotary Dryer Handbook and Pulp and Paper Industry Page

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

During this past week, the FEECO website saw several additions of new content: an updated rotary drum dryer handbook, and a pulp and paper industry page.

The Rotary Dryer Handbook

The Rotary Dryer Handbook is a comprehensive resource that touches on a variety of topics surrounding the drying process, including installation and maintenance, processing challenges, operation, and more. This handbook provides a wealth of information for those who may be new to industrial drying, as well as those who are experienced in drying. The handbook also includes several project profiles and a profile on drying feasibility studies.

FEECO has been a leader in the thermal processing industry since 1951, solving material problems through feasibility testing and manufacturing custom equipment, including rotary drum dryers.

The Pulp & Paper Industry Page

FEECO has been working in the paper and pulp industry for decades. As the needs of this evolving industry have changed, FEECO has continued to adapt along with it, in order to provide the industry with the best in handling and processing equipment. This new webpage highlights our storied history, focusing on equipment and other resources that will be helpful to those in the industry. The page also features photos, related articles, and project profiles.

About the Author . . .

Jenny Seim is a technical writer and service specialist.

More About Jenny