New Content Alert: Material Profiles

This article was authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

This week, the FEECO website saw many new additions of exciting content.

Material Profiles
Many of you have asked for more information regarding processing specific materials. To better assist you in finding the material-specific information you’re looking for, we’ve developed a series of Material Profiles, to which we will continue to add.

In order to answer your most frequently asked questions, each material profile includes an overview of the specified material, its unique characteristics, common processing methods and applications, as well as processing issues and frequently used equipment. In addition, FEECO’s unique capabilities relating to the material are also highlighted. So far, you can view material profiles for:

  • Potash
    Potash is a main ingredient in many fertilizers, due to its high potassium content. It is commonly processed using the compaction granulation method, though interest in pelletizing this valuable material is beginning to grow.
  • Gypsum
    Gypsum is used throughout a variety of industries, most notably in construction materials and soil amendments. Gypsum delivers much-needed calcium to plants, and offers many benefits in various construction materials.
  • Limestone
    Limestone is mainly processed for use as a soil amendment, because it has the ability to raise soil pH. Limestone is frequently pelletized in order to mitigate product issues such as dust and unpredictable application.
  • Fly Ash
    Fly Ash is a by-product of the coal burning process. Fly Ash has been shown to be a valuable additive in the cement-making process. Fly Ash is commonly pelletized and/or conditioned to alleviate dust-related issues.
FEECO Corporate Overview
This week we also added a new Slideshare presentation of our corporate overview. The slideshare presentation can be viewed on our About Us page, and allows you to quickly get a comprehensive overview of FEECO’s history, the services we offer, the industries we serve, and the custom equipment we can provide.

About the Author . . .

Carrie Carlson is a technical writer and visual designer.

More About Carrie