Conversion to Fuel via Pyrolysis Could be the Answer to the Plastics Plague

This article was co-authored by:

Alex Ebben
Process and Sales Engineer

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Plastic-to-Fuel Conversion via Plastic Pyrolysis Could be the Answer to the Plastics Plague

While plastic has improved our lives in innumerable many ways, it has also become an insurmountable waste management issue, threatening the environment around us. As the world demands change, many industry experts are looking to plastic pyrolysis, a form of advanced plastics recycling and recovery …

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What Processes Can Rotary Kilns Carry Out?

This article was co-authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Alex Ebben
Process and Sales Engineer

Common Rotary Kiln Processes

Rotary kilns, an advanced type of thermal processing equipment, are used to cause a chemical reaction or physical change in a solid material through the use of high temperatures. They are frequently utilized to carry out the following processes: Calcination– the process of heating a material …

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Introduction to Activated Carbon

This article was co-authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Alex Ebben
Process and Sales Engineer

Introduction to Activated Carbon

Activated carbon, sometimes called activated charcoal, is a unique adsorbent prized for its extremely porous structure that allows it to effectively capture and hold materials. Widely used throughout a number of industries to remove undesirable components from liquids or gases, activated carbon can be applied …

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What is a Rotary Kiln Bed Disturber?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

What is a Rotary Kiln Bed Disturber

Bed disturbers are used in both direct and indirect-fired rotary kilns to promote uniform heating of the material. The bed of material should roll, not slide, throughout the kiln in order to expose fresh material to the process. This rolling action allows for even heat …

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Rotary Kiln Process Optimization

This article was co-authored by:

Alex Ebben
Process and Sales Engineer

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Rotary Kiln System Optimization, Rotary Kiln Process Audit

Rotary kilns have become an integral processing device throughout many industries. Capable of facilitating chemical reactions and phase changes, they are applied to a diverse range of applications, from metal recovery, to specialty chemical production, and carbon activation, to name a few. In fact, the …

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Rotary Kiln Design: Define the Process

This article was co-authored by:

Alex Ebben
Process and Sales Engineer

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Rotary Kiln Design

For many years, rotary kilns have been used across various industries to drive chemical reactions by thermal processing. Rotary kilns have become very established in fields such as cement, lime, and minerals. Because these thermal processing tools have been used almost exclusively in these industries, …

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