Photo of the Week: Rotary Cooler Under Construction

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Rotary Cooler Construction

This week’s photo highlights a nearly completed rotary cooler in FEECO’s Fabrication Facility. FEECO is a one-stop shop when it comes to custom rotary coolers. From conducting thermal feasibility tests in our Innovation Center, engineering and manufacturing coolers around the unique material to be processed, …

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How do Advancing Flights in a Rotary Dryer Work?

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

Rotary Dryer (Drier) Advancing Flights

Advancing flights help move, or advance, the material into the rotary dryer to prevent buildup near the wet feed inlet. In addition, advancing flights allow the material to dry before it moves on to the next set of flights, a process that can help prevent sticking inside …

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Photo of the Week: Rotary Kiln Insulation

This article was authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Rotary Kiln Insulation

Our photo this week comes from a processing plant where a rotary kiln is being used to process a bulk solid. The equipment in the image is a direct-fired rotary kiln with insulation on the exterior of the drum shell. Insulation helps to increase efficiency …

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Resource of the Week: FEECO Combustion Chambers

This article was authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Resource of the Week: FEECO Combustion Chambers

This week’s highlighted resource is a brochure on FEECO combustion chambers. Combustion chambers are utilized on rotary dryers and kilns to prevent the material from coming into contact with the burner flame. With our expertise in advanced thermal processing, FEECO engineers custom combustion chambers that …

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Hydraulic Fracturing Advances Increase Recovery While Reducing Environmental Impact

This article was co-authored by:

Shane Le Capitaine
Thermal Processing Expert

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Hydraulic fracturing advances increase recovery while reducing environmental impact - refracking

The US is well on its way to energy independence as mining unconventional shale resources via hydraulic fracturing has become increasingly advanced, allowing producers to reduce costs and recover more from shale formations. A growing trend has been seeing increased adoption in recent years, “re-revolutionizing” …

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