US Mining Industry Poised for Growth

This article was authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

US Mining Industry Poised for Growth

The once beleaguered US mining industry is seeing a flurry of indications that the sector is headed for an upward swing; efforts to move toward a low carbon economy, combined with pro-mining legislation are causing excitement within the industry, promising long awaited growth in many …

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FEECO to Exhibit at 2018 SME Annual Conference and Expo

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

FEECO to Exhibit at 2018 SME Conference and Expo

FEECO International will be exhibiting at the 2018 SME Annual Conference & Expo in Minneapolis, Minnesota from February 25-28th. The conference unites over 6,000 industry professionals from around the globe on a variety of mining related topics, from innovation and best practices, to cutting-edge research …

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Tailings Retreatment: The Next Big Revenue Source for the Mining Industry

This article was co-authored by:

Alex Ebben
Process and Sales Engineer

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Tailings Retreatment

Tailings, or the material remaining after a valuable component has been separated from the gangue, have long plagued the mining industry with management costs, liability risks, and disposal challenges. Due to their toxicity, tailings pose a number of risks if not properly managed. Furthermore, the …

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SX-EW Moves into New Metal Markets

This article was co-authored by:

Shane Le Capitaine
Thermal Processing Expert

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

SX-EW Moves into New Metal Markets, Agglomeration Drum (Agglomerator) Used in the Heap Leaching Process

The solvent extraction electro-winning process (SX-EW) is a hydrometallurgical means of extracting, purifying, and concentrating metals. SX-EW has continued to demonstrate successful use in effectively extracting and recovering copper from low grade and oxide ores. As a result, SX-EW has quickly become a staple in …

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Photo of the Week: MINExpo 2016

This article was authored by:

Jenny Seim
Technical Writer

MinExpo 2016

This week’s photo comes from MINExpo 2016, a premiere exhibition on mining equipment and services from around the world. MINExpo was held in Las Vegas September 26 – 28th, 2016 and FEECO was once again an exhibitor. Tim Matzke, Material Handling Sales, and Chris Kozicki, …

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FEECO to Exhibit at MINExpo 2012

This article was authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

MINExpo 2012

This month, FEECO will be heading to Las Vegas, Nevada, to exhibit at MINExpo 2012. MINExpo, hosted by the National Mining Association (NMA), is the foremost exhibition for mining equipment and services in the world. It draws a crowd of the top mining industry executives …

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