Introduction to Activated Carbon

This article was co-authored by:

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Alex Ebben
Process and Sales Engineer

Introduction to Activated Carbon

Activated carbon, sometimes called activated charcoal, is a unique adsorbent prized for its extremely porous structure that allows it to effectively capture and hold materials. Widely used throughout a number of industries to remove undesirable components from liquids or gases, activated carbon can be applied …

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Pyro Processing Systems: Direct-Fired vs. Indirect-Fired Rotary Dryers & Kilns

This article was co-authored by:

Alex Ebben
Process and Sales Engineer

Carrie Carlson
Technical Writer

Direct- vs. Indirect-Fired Rotary Kilns and Dryers (Driers): A Beginner's Guide to Pyroprocessing

Rotary dryers and kilns have been essential pyro processing systems for over a century, offering advantages like uniform heat exposure, reduced processing times, and high efficiency. These rotating drums are widely used across industries for processes such as drying, calcination, and chemical reactions, making them …

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