Carbon Black Processing Equipment

Custom equipment for drying and de-dusting carbon black Continue Reading →

Carbon Black Processing Equipment


The ultra-fine particle size of carbon black makes processing and handling a difficult task. All FEECO equipment is designed with the unique challenges of carbon black in mind for a tailored solution.


Carbon Black Agglomeration & De-dusting Equipment

As the leading provider of agitation (tumble growth) agglomeration and granulation equipment, FEECO offers a range of equipment for de-dusting and pelletizing carbon black into a more manageable granular form.

Our pin mixers are an ideal fit for de-dusting carbon black, transforming the powder into micro pellets for easier handling, transportation, and use. Rotary granulators are also available for upgrading pellet size.

Carbon Black Production & Recovery

Whether looking to produce carbon black from biomass, transform it into biochar or activated carbon, or recover it from waste tires, FEECO custom rotary kilns provide an ideal thermal processing environment. Engineered around the specific challenges of the task at hand, FEECO rotary kilns can be used to accomplish an array of carbon black objectives.

Carbon Black Dryers

FEECO can provide custom engineered carbon black dryers for high-capacity settings, whether of the direct or indirect configuration.



Agglomeration Brochure
Rotary Dryers & Coolers Brochure


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